

需要完成OPE电子竞技官网课程安置评估的学生需要有OPE电子竞技官网学生识别号码, which can be obtained by filling out an application by selecting the "APPLY按钮" near the upper right h和 corner on all OPE电子竞技官网 网页 screens.

Once a student submits the application 和 it is reviewed by OPE电子竞技官网,  students receive an email that provides information regarding their OPE电子竞技官网 application. 然后,学生可以在24-48小时后致电OPE电子竞技官网联络中心(531-622-2400),以获得他们的OPE电子竞技官网 ID号码.

所有需要完成安置评估的学生都需要提供身份证明. 该ID必须实际存在, 没有过期的,  a state or government issued ID (driver's license, 护照, 等.) Photo ID’s cannot be an image, copy, printout, photograph, or snapshot.
A current OPE电子竞技官网 college issued photo ID card may be accepted in certain situations.


OPE电子竞技官网测试中心的工作人员为计划进入OPE电子竞技官网的新生免费提供各种评估. The placement assessments are listed below 和 are determined by the student's needs. 如果学生不确定他们可能需要什么样的安置评估,他们应该打电话给联络中心531-622-2400 如果需要进一步的帮助,他们将协助确定需要哪些评估,或者安排与成功导航员或ope客户端的预约.


  • 在过去两年内有ACT成绩吗
  • 你的高中累积绩点是2分.8 (B-)或更高
  • have passed a college level English class with a “C” or higher within the last 2 years
  • earned previous college level credits from other institutions


Student begin the math sequence based on a variety of placement measures. Recent high school graduates (within the last two years) with an overall GPA of 2.8分或以上可以进入大学水平的课程,而无需参加分班考试,给出以下标准:

*数学1220,1240或1242或FINA 1000不需要安置评估或先决条件课程.

* For Math 1300: High school completion of one year each Algebra I, 代数2, 和几何, C或以上.

*数学1305, 1312, or 1410: High school completion of four years of math beginning with Algebra I, C或以上

格, ACT, 和 SAT scores may be used for placement with in three years.


Additional OPE电子竞技官网 English Assessment Information:

Students begin the English Sequence based on placement measures. OPE电子竞技官网英语写作样本是针对希望在OPE电子竞技官网学习英语课程的学生的安置措施. The Writing Sample provides the best pathway for placement in the most appropriate course. Contact Testing Center Staff to schedule an appointment to take the Writing Sample.

ACT scores 和 SAT scores may be used for placement with in 3 years.
Next Generation Accuplacer 和 Companion scores may be used for placement with in 2 years.



学生有2个小时的时间阅读一篇短文,并根据写作样本文章指导中提出的问题写出自己的答案. Their essay is then scored by English faculty within 3 business days. Students should take their time 和 read carefully. A retake is only allowed with authorization from the Dean of the English Department.


ALEKS (Assessment 和 学习 in Knowledge Spaces) 是一个基于web的, 人工智能评估和学习系统,它使用自适应问题来快速准确地确定学生在一门学科中知道什么和不知道什么.

亚历克斯PPL(安置, 准备, 和学习)准确衡量学生的数学准备,并通过网络和自定进度的技能建设弥补学习损失. 一个ALEKS PPL帐户是 有效期一年 并为学生提供5次评估(初次评估和4次重修),以提高他们的分值(如果有必要的话). 所有五项评估必须在学生注册ALEKS PPL账户后的一年内完成.


  • Not timed - no time limit, average completion time 1 ½ - 2 hours.
  • 最多30个问题.
  • No personal calculators, tablets, or cell phones allowed.

Next Generation Accuplacer/Companion Assessment

  • 目前就读于高中或家庭教育的准学生将完成Accuplacer英语和数学评估,以确定课程安排.

  • 下一代替代品: A computerized assessment for placement test for both English 和 Math. The average time to complete this test is two hours or less; 然而, it is not timed. This assessment is offered at all campus/center locations.
  • 同伴: 此评估测试仅适用于需要DSS住宿的人员,并且只能在所有测试地点通过预约进行. 该考试是计算机化Accuplacer评估的比例可比的书面版本. 要符合资格, students must have a documented disability 和 see a OPE电子竞技官网 DSS adviser for recommendation. This test is offered in a paper 和 pencil version, 大字版, 一个盲文版本和一个音频CD版本 as well. Students may take the English 和 the Math sections together, separately, or not at all. Testing is done using a test booklet, answer sheet, scratch paper 和 a No. 2笔. 在完成算术和初等代数问题时,计算器不被授权与同伴考试一起使用,除非在DSS住宿中注明. Accuplacer Companion does not have a set time limit for test completion.

Next Generation Accuplacer/Companion 非母语英语课程 (English as a Second Language)

如果英语是学生的第二语言, 学生必须首先与位于学生服务中心的OPE电子竞技官网ope客户端或辅导员见面. 这次会议是根据学生的个人需要和要求来决定需要哪种类型的测试. There are two different assessments available for 非母语英语课程 students:

  • Accuplacer英语: 这是一个电脑化的非母语英语课程语言使用, 和 非母语英语课程 Sentence Meaning placement assessment program administered for English only. 世纪挑战集团使用 英语听、英语阅读 技能, 非母语英语课程语言使用 英语课程安排. 非母语英语课程 WritePlacer 如果对所需技能的理解有疑问,也可能需要(额外的短篇写作样本). The average completion time to take this placement examination is approximately three hours. There is 然而 no actual set time limit for taking this test. Sample tests can be found using the highlighted links for 非母语英语课程 Accuplacer非母语英语课程 WritePlacer.
  • 同伴英语: 伴侣非母语英语课程分班测试仅适用于非英语母语的个人,他们需要与DSS住宿的非母语英语课程伴侣. This proficiency exam may be provided by appointment only at any testing location. 考试是一个比例相当的书面版本的电脑Accuplacer 非母语英语课程评估. 要符合资格, students must have a documented disability 和 see a OPE电子竞技官网 DSS adviser for recommendation. This test is available in a paper 和 pencil version, 大字体的纸笔版本, 一个盲文版本和一个音频CD版本. Testing is accomplished by using a test booklet, an answer sheet, scratch paper 和 a No. 2笔. Companion 非母语英语课程 does not have a set time limit for test completion. 同伴非母语英语课程使用与计算机化Accuplacer 非母语英语课程考试相同的练习测试. Sample tests can be found using the highlighted links for 非母语英语课程 Accuplacer非母语英语课程 WritePlacer.


Accuplacer和Companion在任何给定的两(2)年内只能服用两次. To take the examination a second time, students must contact 和 speak with an 世纪挑战集团顾问, 谁, 在回顾了初始分数之后, 可以推荐, annotate 和 approve a students request or need for a retake in Colleague. 但是,建议所有学生在参加或重新参加评估之前完成一段时间的复习 Accuplacer学习应用程序.


课程安排是根据每个学生在数学领域的测试能力的结果来评估的, 阅读与写作. To obtain a more valid 和 accurate skill placement, 鼓励所有学生在参加分班考试之前完成学业技能的复习(如果有的话).

Next Generation Accuplacer 和 Companion Accuplacer 使用相同的学习应用程序,这是专门为帮助学生更好地准备考试. 可以在 Accuplacer学习应用. 还有很多其他基于网络的考试工具和学习准备资源可供使用. If using an application other than the Accuplacer学习应用, test preparation should only focus on reading comprehension, writing 和 math portions of the preparation materials. If you have any questions about accessing the Accuplacer学习应用, contact any 世纪挑战学习辅导中心.

亚历克斯数学评估 does not have an official review source but students may visit any OPE电子竞技官网数学中心 并利用 数学复习计划.

写作样文评估 does not have an official or unofficial review at this time.


SmarterMeasure is an optional assessment that measures learner readiness. It will help you prepare to be successful as a student. You are not penalized for guessing on SmarterMeasure, 然而, you will still need to answer every question on the assessment. smartmeasure完成后, 你会收到一份分数报告,这不仅能帮助你了解自己的优势和改进的机会, but will also provide resources to help you succeed. Remember, this assessment is strictly for your benefit. 花点时间诚实地评价自己.


分院成绩发布申请程序: 希望将其分班成绩发布到其他教育机构的学生,必须遵循在 分班成绩 网页.



世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcenterevc@babyzne.com


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcenterfoc@babyzne.com
校园电话: 531-622-2204


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcenterfrc@babyzne.com
校园电话: 531-622-3000


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcentersrp@babyzne.com
校园电话: 531-622-3803


世纪挑战集团电子邮件: testingcentersoc@babyzne.com
校园电话: 531-622-4613