
军事 & 退伍军人服务常见问题

how do i get started as a new military-connected student using benefits?


  • Beginning with TERMS STARTING ON OR AFTER DECEMBER 17, 2021,所有 9/11后的GI法案® 获得MHA和/或kicker付款的学生需要每月核实入学情况. 这是退伍军人事务部对9/11后退伍军人法案®学生的要求,以证明他们仍然注册了OPE电子竞技官网退伍军人认证官员先前为该季度认证的相同课程.  GI Bill®商标 & “GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA).
  • 学生 have the option to verify enrollment via text message or email. VA强烈建议使用短信或电子邮件, 但如果这些选择都不可用, 学生可以拨打教育呼叫中心(ECC) 1-888-GIBILL-1(1-888-442-4551)核实入学情况. Please be advised that calling the ECC may result in long wait times.
  • 所有拥有美国手机号码的受影响学生在注册课程后都会收到一条选择加入的短信. 学生 must respond to that text within 14 days. After opting in, simply reply to a VA text message each month to verify enrollment.  If you opt out of text message verification or do not respond to the opt-in text, 您将自动注册电子邮件验证,电子邮件地址已在VA存档.  如果您没有收到短信, need to verify your enrollment over the phone, 选择文本验证, 或者注册电子邮件验证, you may call the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)
  • If you fail to submit enrollment verification for 连续两个月, your MHA/kicker payments will be held until you verify your enrollment. 例如, 如果你的任期是1月1日, 2022 and you fail to verify your enrollment for January and February, your March 2022 payments will be placed on hold.
  • For more information, please visit the VA Ch 33 Verification 网站.  http://benefits.va.gov/gibill/isaksonroe/verification_of_enrollment.asp

How do I resolve a 业务 Office Hold on my OPE电子竞技官网 account (Ch 33)?

  • Please contact your Veteran Certifying Official if you are using Ch 33 benefits, 你的账户上有商务等候吗, 并且无法注册课程. 您的退伍军人认证官员可能能够与学生帐户合作,以取消注册的保留. 请注意, 33章, 9/11后的学生如果没有获得100%的福利,将被要求在释放商务办公室等待之前支付他们的学费和费用. MVS联系方式


  • 如果您计划更改您的课程或专业,请联系您的退伍军人认证官员. Changing a program may impact the ability to certify your courses to VA, 并可能导致债务的产生! MVS联系方式

What if I want to drop a class or change my schedule?

  • 如果您计划在人口普查日期之后退出课程,请联系您的退伍军人认证官员. MVS联系方式 If you withdraw from a course after census date, you will incur a debt with VA. 学生可能需要支付学费和杂费,以及部分住房津贴(如果适用).
  • MVS将通知时间表的变化,并相应地调整您的认证. Please work with your advisor to ensure all of your classes are within your program.

VA将涵盖哪些课程?  Please see your certifying official for questions.

  • 课程要求- VA将只涵盖您当前VA批准的学习计划或专业所需的课程.
  • 复读课程-已修过课程并达到最低课程要求成绩的学生将不会被认证为复读课程.
  • Failing a class - 学生 who fail a course will be certified for a second attempt.  在某些情况下, classes that are specifically required for a program, 而且没有其他选择, 会被认证为第三次尝试吗.  学生必须在第三次尝试之前与军事/退伍军人服务副主任会面.  Chapter 31 students are only authorized 2 course attempts.
  • 数学或英语课程的分班-学生只有在他们有有效分班的数学或英语课程上才能获得认证.
  • Remedial courses (09XX classes) will only be certified for in-residence delivery 
  • 1000 level, and above, courses will generally not be certified for modular delivery.


我如何核实我的每月登记? 波浪(1606,30)

  • 所有收到蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®第30章或精选储备第1606章的学生必须每月核实他们的入学情况才能收到付款. 这种验证可以通过使用Web自动注册验证来完成 (波) 在GI Bill®网站上申请,或使用1-877-823-2378自动电话系统,并按照提示进行申请.  

How do I get academic credit for military service?

  • OPE电子竞技官网 seeks to grant the most credit possible for military training and experience. 军事 students who submit military transcript (JST, CCAF) are granted up to 3.5 credits in Physical Education (PHED) for basic training. 根据美国教育委员会的建议,军事训练和经验可以获得额外的学分.
  • Some factors may limit the number of credits accepted, including departmental accreditation and program-specific requirements. 未作为OPE电子竞技官网特定课程转移的学分可以作为未定义的选修课应用于专业或通识教育要求. 退伍军人和军事学生如果选择的专业课程很少或没有选修课,他们可能会发现他们从军事经历中获得的学分有限.
  • 符合成绩单评估条件的文件可以包括CCAF成绩单(空军社区学院), 律政司司长(联合事务纪录), and other official documents indicating military experience. In addition, OPE电子竞技官网 accepts DSST (DANTES) and CLEP scores.
  • 使用军事学分从世纪挑战集团转到另一个机构取决于一些因素, including whether the institution has a transfer credit agreement with OPE电子竞技官网. 接受转学课程的院校决定是否授予转学学分. 军校学生应与接收机构协商,仔细评估他们的转学选择. For additional information on military transfer credits, contact OPE电子竞技官网’s 退伍军人中心.
    • Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy: Active Duty, Reserve and veterans. Servicemembers and veterans may order Joint Services 成绩单 by visiting the 国防部联合服务记录(JST)网站.
    • 空军服役人员和退伍军人都有资格获得美国社区学院的学位 空军(CCAF) 成绩单证明获得学分. 军人和退伍军人可以通过访问CCAF成绩单网站订购CCAF成绩单
    • 提交一份军事成绩单, 高中成绩单, 大专或大学, 参观世纪挑战中心 提交成绩单 提交地址及电邮的网页.

W在这里 Can I Find VA Shopping Sheet Information?

  • 我在哪里可以找到我的 大学理财计划(CFP) 联邦采购单文件?  OPE电子竞技官网向学院提交了完整的FAFSA的学生可以访问CFP联邦购物表, 包括打包后的联邦援助, 通过登录他们的自助服务, 金融援助, 金融援助, 联邦购物单.  学生' Self Service can be accessed through the 世纪挑战集团主页, selecting the pink 帆布/学生联系 box.  OPE电子竞技官网 students who have not yet submitted a FAFSA to the College may access their CFP, estimated at a single independent student status, 在这里.  CFP 2023-2024,无FAFSA
  • 我在哪里可以找到我的 净价计算器?
  • W在这里 can I find information on programs with additional fees?  Some specialized programs require Additional fees beyond the OPE电子竞技官网 facility fee. 估计额外项目费用总额 -
  • 我在哪里可以找到我的 program or degree requirements, degree plan? 项目所有
  • W在这里 can I find out which quarters my required courses are offered?  OPE电子竞技官网 students can find the information in our 课程目录(课程时间表).
  • How do I determine how long it will take to complete my program? A full-time OPE电子竞技官网 student must take at least 12 credit hrs./季度. 确定完成一个课程所需的全日制学习时间, divide the total program-required credit hours by 12.
  • 我在哪里可以找到退伍军人福利表? 
  • W在这里 can I find information on OPE电子竞技官网 graduation and employment rates?  OPE电子竞技官网毕业率 爱浦多报告  OPE电子竞技官网毕业生就业信息- NE DOL OPE电子竞技官网毕业生数据

What if I have an unanticipated military obligation?

  • 如果学生意外地被要求现役(部署,TAD等).), the student should contact MVS immediately to make arrangements for accommodation. The student should provide MVS a copy of military orders. MVS将与学生一起促进解决方案,这些解决方案不会导致学生偿还部分教育福利基金的债务,并将提供重修或完成课程的机会. 课程解决方案可能包括:
    • “I”级. According to the OPE电子竞技官网 catalog, "I" grades are issued due to extenuating circumstances. 学生 may be given an extension of time to complete course objectives. Assignment of "I" grades is a faculty prerogative and is issued when students, who have completed the majority (at least 60 percent) of the course requirements, are unable to complete the remainder due to unusual or extenuating circumstances. “I”级必须在发出“I”级的季度结束后的11个月内补上,否则将变为F级. 在颁发不完整等级之前, 教师和学生见面讨论完成剩余作业和/或测试的时间表,以便学生获得高质量的信等级. The instructor sends an email to the student, 并复制相应的学术院长, confirming the due date for the remaining work. (Does not count in computation of grade point average)
    • 如果要求服务发生在学期中学生已经完成足够的工作来颁发成绩的点上, a grade for the course may be issued based on completed progress.
    • 学生可以从学院退学, 退伍军人事务部和国防部认为意外召唤现役是一种缓解情况.


  • 需要学校认证的学生必须向他们的退伍军人认证官员提出要求.  ChampVA将在人口普查日期后更新,以准确反映学期开始时的任何增加或减少.